Human Blueprint

In person or distance sessions available

Our Original Divine Blueprint is perfect.

Each of us has our own Human Blueprint, reflected on the physical plane by our DNA.  The DNA level of our Human Blueprint holds the information expressed in our physical and physiological bodies.  Beyond the physical plane, we find that our Human Blueprint also holds the emotional, mental and spiritual information of our total multi-dimensional being, and it is through the full expression of our multi-dimensional Human Blueprint that we become whole.

Here, in our Human Blueprint, we hold patterning that makes us who and what we are - as well as genetic, some of this patterning is karmic, acquired from previous existences, some is programmed/learned through experiences from current and previous existences, and some is ancestral patterning.

Thus, all this shapes our current lives on physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and core levels.  

Unfortunately, much of this patterning and programming can be negative, which limits us, blocks us, and has a detrimental effect on the full expression of our true selves.


Accessing our Human Blueprint enables us to release this negative patterning / programming, freeing us from its restrictions and limitations so that we can become whole, allowing the emergence of our true selves, free from the ‘baggage’ we have been carrying around for so long.



In a basic Human Blueprint session, you will discover basic core belief/s that have been holding you back. We will find the coordinates where this patterning is held within your Blueprint and clear it from there, freeing you to move forward on your path.

There is a similar procedure for genetic and ancestral issues, where we also discover and clear where the issues/patterning are held within your Human Blueprint. 

This procedure differs in that it usually involves clearing negative patterning from chromosomes and genes, finding at which generation the DNA alteration originally occurred, what caused it (often an emotion, trauma or shock), and on the genetic/ancestral line of which parent.  Chromosomes and genes are also rebalanced at the time of the original distortion.